Endotooth 16 (Biovoxel Typodont)

Endotooth 16 (Biovoxel Typodont)

Upper molar (16 ISO notation) with 4 root canals
Accessed or Intact variant
Difficulty: 3,5/5
Designed to fit the Biovoxel typodont jaw. More

Product code: ET16UM- Shipping and Payment

15,99 € incl. VAT
Variant does not exist
Transparent Opaque
Intact, Non-Accessed Accessed

Upper molar (16 ISO notation) with 4 root canals
Accessed or Intact variant
Difficulty: 3,5/5
Designed to fit the Biovoxel typodont jaw. More

Product code: ET16UM- Shipping and Payment


TransparencyTooth AccessPulp Availability Price incl. VAT Quantity (pc)
Endotooth 16 (Biovoxel Typodont) Transparent Intact, Non-Accessed With pulp In production More 15,99 €
Endotooth 16 (Biovoxel Typodont) Transparent Accessed With pulp In production More 15,99 €
Endotooth 16 (Biovoxel Typodont) Transparent Accessed Without the pulp In stock More 15,99 €
Endotooth 16 (Biovoxel Typodont) Opaque Intact, Non-Accessed With pulp In production More 15,99 €
Endotooth 16 (Biovoxel Typodont) Opaque Accessed With pulp In production More 15,99 €
Endotooth 16 (Biovoxel Typodont) Opaque Accessed Without the pulp In production More 15,99 €

Endotooth 16 (Biovoxel Typodont)

Upper molar (16 ISO notation) with 4 root canals
Accessed or Intact variant
Difficulty: 3,5/5

Pulp chamber and root canal system of this first molar are without significant calcifications and obliterations. Canals are quite long - ranging approx 23-25mm measured from respective cusps. MB2 root canal presents a challenge – after 4 mm long common course with MB1 it separates in the deeper portion of the canal's first third and continues as a narrow, slightly S curved canal. 2 mm prior to terminus there is a communication through isthmus between the two mesiobuccal canals. Apical diameters of respective canals are in range from 0.15 to 0.3mm. Designed to fit Biovoxel Typodont.


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